Chicken breeding:

Good hygiene is most important for efficient chicken production. With intensification of the chicken industry, large numbers of chickens are kept together in close contact with each other, and sound hygiene is an absolute necessity.

There are many diseases which can affect the health of chicken. Some are caused by micro-organisms which are normal inhabitants of the chicken gut and so are also present in manure. In unhygienic sheds these organisms can infect chicken via dung or airborne dust particles.

However organisms from outside are the biggest threat…

Looking at ongoing bacterial problems within the chicken breeding industry, OXIBON was tested at a number of commercial broiler houses following some very successful trials made in chicken sheds and the results obtained was far beyond expectation. OXIBON usage has seriously resolved hygiene and disease problems.


Odor Control in Poultry Farms

Unique characteristics of NZYME-OC assist in removing a broad range of malodors by several interesting mechanisms. NZYME-OC has a characteristic pleasant odor; it is sometimes confused with masking agents. But differentiation from masking is obvious given the mechanisms of control. The mechanisms for malodor removal using a scientific and efficient blend of enzymes and surfactants include solubility, buffer solutions and chemical reactions.